Taproot co-working Community for Artists and Craftspeople
Being a solo artist does not have to be lonely! And maintaining motivation and focus does not have to be an uphill battle.
What if you could work in your own studio with the energetic support of a virtual community of artists who are committing this time to their work? This is shockingly helpful in getting you focused in your creative work! Come play!
"This group has such a lovely variety of creators. We are sculptures, writers, children's book writers and illustrators, collage artists, poets, and water color painters. I enjoy the variety of creations and the support for all the nuances in the process of creating. We all have worries, challenges and successes to enjoy.
It is fun to begin together at the start of the morning and then share however it goes at the end of our time. Val gives us a simple, clear and joyous meditation to begin. She reflects back with helpful ideas on our plans. She is a delight and delights in all of us." Elizabeth R |
This is how the Weekly Virtual Co-working sessions work:
9:00 am ET ----We meet via video conferencing (zoom) , to check in and get grounded and make a commitment to each other and ourselves to stay focused. After the check in, we shut off the distractions of digital communications. We are each in our own spaces and we spend this sacred time working on our creative work.
10:45 am ET--- We come back to the zoom conferencing call for 1/4 hour and check in with a short celebration of what we did. It is rich and supportive, playful and engaged. There will be enough structure to feel safe and enough freedom to feel heard and met.
We have been meeting every week for a few years now and it is shockingly helpful. It helps to keep the distractions and procrastination at bay. And it gives you permission during that time to be fully in your creative work.
How to get involved
Click the link below to register
The standard monthly fee is only $55 and the first two sessions are free as a trial.